Gay pride month pictures

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Initially, Pride was a political demonstration that voiced the LGBTQ+ community's demands for equal rights and protections. However, one thing is for sure: the days-long uprising became the foundation of the modern LGBTQ+ movement.Ī year after the riots, in 1970, the first Pride event was held in New York City. Stacker's history of it comes from a patchwork of accounts there was only one picture taken of the patrons' clash with police. The true story of what happened that night is hard to know for sure. It wasn't the first time-the dive bar was running without a liquor license and was a known gay bar at a time when same-sex relations were still illegal-but this time patrons had had enough. In the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, New York City police raided Greenwich Village gay bar the Stonewall Inn.

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